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Coronavirus News Roundup, July eleven-july 17
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Newer Variant Of Covid-19-causing Virus Dominates Global Infections
Overall, a few third, 36{1afd4c3cdd86cac05842cd18beab5fd5615039e8faf5bbb3ee05e04ef8d6e544}, of Americans get science news at least a number of occasions per week, three-in-ten actively search it out, and a smaller portion, 17{1afd4c3cdd86cac05842cd18beab5fd5615039e8faf5bbb3ee05e04ef8d6e544}, do both. At the same time, sizable shares of the public see issues in news coverage of scientific analysis stemming from the media and from researchers, in addition to the public themselves, although less than half name any of eight potential issues as main ones. Still, when pressed to choose, nearly three-quarters of the public (73{1afd4c3cdd86cac05842cd18beab5fd5615039e8faf5bbb3ee05e04ef8d6e544}) says the way in which the news …